Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Yakumo-cho, Hokkaido

Yakumo is located in Japan
A couple of weeks ago, I received an e-mail from JET about my placement notification:

Prefecture:  北海道  Hokkaido
Contracting Organization:  八雲町  Yakumo-cho

Yakumo-cho is a town with a population of about 20,000 located in Oshima in Hokkaido, essentially on the southern hook of the northern-most prefecture (that giant island at the top). Here is a tourist website with more information about southern Hokkaido. Yakumo has a legendary Lantern Parade Festival that I cannot wait to attend!
_pko9261I couldn't be happier about my placement. Everyone says, "Oh, Hokkaido! I have never been there, but my aunt/friend/etc. took a trip there and said it was beautiful! It is cold and snowy." I expect the weather to be much like Minnesota, with more snowfall because of the water vapor in the air. While I will be far away from Tokyo and many of the bigger cities of Japan, I have spent the last 6 years of my life in the Twin Cities metropolis, and I am ready for a transition to a simpler life in rural Japan, in a town where I will know my neighbors and make many personal connections.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, how are you?
    My name is Eduardo Takada, live in Brazil and I'm trying to build my Family Tree. Unfortunately, my grandparents are dead and the only information I have is that they came form Yakumo-cho, Hokkaido.
    Do you have any tip on how can I start my search?
    Thank you very much.
