Monday, August 6, 2012

Settling In

Well, the chaos of pre-departure orientation in Chicago, Tokyo orientation, and arrival in Yakumo is over.
Here are some firsts that occurred in the last week and a half:
  • I took my first solo flight which went from Minneapolis to Chicago.
  • I took my first international flight -14 hours long!
  • I set foot on international soil for the first time in my life in Tokyo. 
  • I survived jet lag.
  • I made my first purchase in Japan - onigiri at a conbini (convenience store).
  • I used my first Japanese fancy toilet and squat toilet.
  • I opened a Japanese bank account.
  • I climbed my first mountain in Japan.
  • I relaxed in my first onsen. 
  • Tonight I will have my first enkai (beer party!)
  • I have been away from my husband and my dog for the longest time in recorded history.
Honestly, I was extremely nervous to make this journey. I had so many questions and fears, many of which worked themselves out with the help of JET program staff, my supervisor, family at home, and my friends. I am finally returning to a feeling of normalcy now that the whirlwind has subsided. My head was about to explode last Sunday, after being awake for 24+ hours with the flight, arrival at Narita, and my obligation to explore Shinjuku my first night, but I was entirely overwhelmed. 

I was thinking about topics for this blog post, but I do not have anything to report of comparable note to my previous posts. I am alive and well. For your viewing pleasure, this was the takoyaki stand outside the supermarket when I went shopping yesterday. Of course I purchased some. :)

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